Good Tuesday Morning!!!
I hope this beautiful Tuesday finds you all happy and in love with the life God has blessed you with! I know I am… no my life is by no means perfect… we have our share of problems, but God is good and His Way is perfect! And I am grateful! Yesterday we had a slow day with many of the littles not feeling their best… Thank the Lord today they seem much better and feeling more like themselves!
This morning has went really well thus far. We have worked on our AWANA work together and the kids are reciting verses right and left and doing really great.
Eli has been wanting to know about Paul a lot lately… I found him drawing pictures of Paul during different stages of his ministry today! Talk about precious! I might try and snap a picture of the one of him in jail and he is singing Glory to God in the Highest!! SO cute!
Ok, I got one… here it is!
Cameo has been studying up on Lottie Moon today. I am blown away by this little woman. She is truly a testimony of giving her ALL for the gospel of Jesus.
Abe and Carlie… well this is what they are up to this morning!
Abram and his new hat… a treat bucket!
Carlie in the new hat… OH and that is one of the Land’s End dresses I got at Goodwill for $1.25!! WOO HOO!!!!
Have I ever mentioned how much this family LOVES theJonathan Park Series? Oh my! WE LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!!! We have the first two volumes and the children like it so much that they have asked for another one for a joint Christmas present! I am so pleased when they ask for something that is not junk, you know!?!?! It is so great and it is JAM PACKED with good Creationism facts! I LOVE that! We give Jonathan Park a hearty
Another great homeschool item we love is Drive Thru History.
Dave Stotts is hilarious and the videos are so full of good history and it ALL is tied in with the Bible… the way history should be taught! WOO HOO!
In other news…
I made some pickled garlic the other day… let me forewarn you… Your house will be pungent!!!!! If like us, you kinda like that smell, then no big! BUT… if you are not fond of garlic, you might want to clip a clothes pin to your nose for a few hours! HA ha!
Here are the 12 bulbs of garlic pre-roasted!
It is a good possibility that I roasted them for too long, but I just wasn’t sure… they are still great and work just fine… and it makes a beautiful jar!
We have already used some for pizza sauce when we made a batch last week. It works terrific, and I am so glad to know exactly how this garlic was put up.. unlike what I have heard about the jars of garlic you buy in a store! This recipe is out of Nourishing Traditions and I highly suggest you getting the book for yourself… not only does it have some incredible recipes, but it has some AWESOME eye-opening reading to preface the recipes!
Well, I must run… my husband has been requesting some pumpkin bread for snacks around here. I will get him a couple of those loaves baked up as well as our chili for tonight and tomorrow nights supper.
Have a great day everyone!!!
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