Our Abram has been different than all the rest of our children, they all would take naps during the day and then sleep fine at night, going to bed around 8:30 or 9:00 pm. Not Abe, he for the longest time would not fall asleep during nap time and then I would have wasted a rather long time trying to get him to sleep and I would feel crummy because I dozed off and he did not. So I stopped trying to make him nap during the day, it helps to wear him out more and now he sleeps much better at night… I hate it, I know he needs a nap, but I don’t know any other way around it.
Well, we had been outside for a great deal of the day yesterday, gardening and cleaning and digging and such and after supper when I was cleaning up he wanted to color. Look at what I found after he was coloring for a minute or so…Sound asleep, crayon in hand, still leaned over the table, and still grubby as everything from playing in the dirt… So sweet I had to take a picture.
Have a great day everyone!
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