Good Morning!
Today will begin our first official day of Homeschool 2008/2009. Here in GA we have to have an attendance sheet. So today is when we officially start keeping track for this year. I am anxious to get started.
We had quite a busy weekend, full of fun things to do and work around the home.
Friday night we went swimming at the city pool, there was a private party there and it was SO much fun! Noah a little boy from our church is in remission of cancer. It was exciting and I think everyone had a blast celebrating this special time with him and his family!
Carlie JeanAbram
Cameo and Taylor being silly…
Saturday we went into town to get a belt for the lawnmower and ended up running everywhere to find one. While we were there we got the kids their birthday present.
My Mom and Sister suggested an aquarium and it was a great idea. We got the kit and set it up. Tomorrow afternoon we will be getting fish for it, but for now, it is so beautiful we just enjoy looking at it even without fish!
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