The CHRISTmas countdown is in full swing. Goody making has been checked off the list and it was a success… for the most part. Sadly my Sister wasn’t able to make it due to my little nephews not feeling well. I really missed her not being there.
We had a grand time and I only had one big goof-up and I still honestly don’t know what happened…My date balls flopped and flopped bad. I couldn’t roll these suckers together at all!!! So after being a bit frustrated and making a pretty good mess, I opted for the date cups. 🙂
My other candies turned out beautifully, so it wasn’t too tragic.Plus my girls loved helping out and my boys spent most of their time with Uncle Tyler.
In other news… I don’t know if anyone realizes it or not.
But my little counter on the bottom right of my sidebar is just about to tick 100,000!
I didn’t add the counter as soon as I started blogging, but still that is a pretty big number for this Georgia gal who talks about chickens in her backyard, homeschooling her kids and making food from scratch.
For all those who visit, THANK YOU!
It’s so exciting.
I wish I could think of something groovy to do to celebrate.
I know!
I will stitch up something (after Christmas!) and add it with some other little goodies… maybe even a bar of chocolate since it should mail nicely in this cool weather.
All you have to do is leave me a comment with a way of getting in touch with you, should your number be drawn…
That’s it!
If you are a regular or a first timer, that would be cool to know too…
I hope to hear from you and I hope you enjoy this day.
Much love and blessings to you all!
My Cup Runneth Over…
Hey, Chas
I have been reading your blog for a little over a year. Just love it. THank you for sharing your live with us.
thanks Chas for sharing your life and the chaos with us. I also have 4, well make that 6. Blessings!