Monday, I took a walk down to the mailbox… forgetting it was President’s Day.. duh. But I enjoyed my walk albeit c.o.l.d.
I took my handy dandy camera along and got some nice shots of our snow.
I can honestly say, I have never seen it like this in our neck of the woods. Snow, and more snow. Although we have not gotten ‘a lot’ at one time, we have been getting it quite regular. I wonder what this weekend will bring? 🙂
I know the Good Lord gives us what we need. So instead of whining about what we don’t have, I am trying to remember to thank Him and be happy with what we have.
Have a beautiful day…
My Cup Runneth Over…
*** P.S. Week 3 menu is down at the bottom of the page, they are so boring I hated to post them each week. 🙂
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