A while back I started a journal… one that I fashioned from one I saw on Jewels’ blog. I have kept journals on and off through my teenage years and now into my adult life. I have been haphazard, journaling for a little while and then there is a month expanse and then back to it. I have been fairly consistent with this one and I hope to continue. It is very lovely and when I pasted the cut outs in there, the pages seem to eagerly await for my words. I hope to keep them up and then be able to stick them in my hope chest and one day my children, grandchildren, great grandchildren will have something to read and remember.
I used a composition book, just because I was eager to begin and I wouldn’t be in town to get me a nice sketch book, but either will work just fine! You will also need some pictures that you have found that you especially enjoy, cut outs or whatever you would like. My daughter has started one as well and she has used stickers and stamps and what not. Paste them in various spots on the pages, leaving a little room for your thoughts, dreams, memories, etc. And enjoy your quiet time alone with your journal.
I’ve started reading Created to be his Help Meet by Debi Pearl (again). I am using my journal for the study questions at the end of each chapter. This book is one that I enjoy…
So here is a picture of my set up for a nice quiet reading and reflection time. My Bible, my book, my journal and my coffee! 🙂
Here’s more of my journaling pages…
I really enjoy my time here at my little home on the web and I am happy to see that some of my ‘old friends’ have found me… I thank you all so much for your visits and your sweet comments! 🙂
What a wonderful way to begin a journal! I've journaled for years, but I know this would be a neat way to encourage my daughter to do the same. Thanks!
Dearest Chas, One of my favorite books too, Created to be His Helpmeet. Love the pictures, I like that you use your journal for the questions in the back. I may try that. I need to make a new journal my old one is almost filled. Thanks for the visit. God be with you. Cynthia