We are in the middle of VBS for this year. Always a very hectic time, but a very, very rewarding time as well.
A bunch of work and a bunch of fun.
We had a kick-off on Sunday, with a petting zoo and carnival games.
Hence the picture of the Llama above, her name was Jasmine and I want her to come live at our farm. She was wonderful.
I can’t remember what the man called him… but when he wanted it to come to him, he said… “C’mon Pig”, so there you go. I liked him too. ๐
Eli feeling right at home with the animals.
Abe liked the sheep. He has been asking when we will have sheep at our house for a while now… we will see. ๐
Cameo enjoyed petting the sweet bunny, too.
Carlie Jean got her face painted… this was when it looked sweet and pretty, later on in the day she looked like she had been in a paint fight, her whole face was covered with paint. ๐
I hope you are gearing up for Vacation Bible School where you live to, get involved. It’s great fun! ๐
Our VBS starts next week. I am excited about it. I think we have a Rodeo or Farm theme this year… Lily will have a blast being with her friends every evening! Love the photos ๐