Last week, the children and I went to the Sunrise Planetarium. I have been trying to pick some field trips with our local homeschool group that I think my kids will really enjoy. From the talk between the group, everyone said THIS was the field trip everyone liked the best…
Yes, we get it now. It was SO much fun!
As you may recall, we studied Astronomy this year and so the trip to the planetarium really helped us to finalize our study.
We hiked and we had a picnic.
And then…
There was the Water Slide!
We didn’t realize just what to expect… so when we saw the slide we were totally thrilled.
We packed a change of clothes, but not really swimwear. It didn’t matter, because the kids were just as eager to play. ๐
Abram the Brave… jumping off the dock.
Don’t worry the water was only like 2 ft deep there. ๐
Carlie, bless her heart, with the clothes she had on, she couldn’t slide down the slide… she basically scooted. It didn’t keep her from smiling though. ๐
Cameo was the only one that didn’t jump in with her everyday clothes…
I guess that is what happens when you start growing up.
*sigh* Where did my little girl go?
We had a blast watching everyone together though.
Free, Fun and Fabulous…. that describes this field trip. ๐
Looks like a lot of fun! What homeschool group are you a part of? We finally joined a new one that's just starting this year. It's a small group, but we're looking forward to it. Hope you're having a good summer!