Moma Hen and Baby Chicks
Preparing for winter
Got Milk?
My boys coming in from chores
Laverne (Shirley didn’t get in the picture)
Beautiful Harvest
Muckboots and Play-Dresses
Soaked Grain Bread in the Summer Kitchen
Canning Time
A Good Moma protecting her young
I blew up my stove last year, canning. So when I went to get a new one they told me that if I do a lot of canning, and I do, that I should not get a ceramic smooth top stove. I see that you have one and probably have had no problemms. I would have much rather preferred the smooth top. Love your baby chicks, we haven't hatched out any this year.:(
Beautiful pictures – gives a feeling of peace and wonder.
I can't have a farm, but at least you do. I know there are things around every corner to enjoy. I love play dresses and mama hens.