I loved it Chas! I agree with him wholeheartedly! I felt the Lord's conviction an the Harry Potter movies and no longer allow my children to watch them. I am blessed to say that this time I used God's guidance and have not seen nor read any of the Twilight series. I do know Christians in my very own church who just adore these movies and books, but I myself don't feel they are right. I thank you for posting this!
He has a point on some things, but is misleading in others. Just because Stephanie Meyers is mormon doesnt mean that the mormon church teaches these things. The true name of the mormon church is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Christ is the foundation of the mormon church. People should get their facts straight before they start judging.
Just found your blog thru another and I whole heartedly agree with this. I know Preacher's kids who are into Twilight and I am just like I do not believe they let their precious daughters read/watch this stuff!!! Lord help us! Thank you so much for sharing!
I complertly agree with his views- it grieves me to see so much deception.
I loved it Chas! I agree with him wholeheartedly! I felt the Lord's conviction an the Harry Potter movies and no longer allow my children to watch them. I am blessed to say that this time I used God's guidance and have not seen nor read any of the Twilight series. I do know Christians in my very own church who just adore these movies and books, but I myself don't feel they are right. I thank you for posting this!
totally agree. nasty with a side of nasty
sharing on my blog
He has a point on some things, but is misleading in others. Just because Stephanie Meyers is mormon doesnt mean that the mormon church teaches these things. The true name of the mormon church is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Christ is the foundation of the mormon church. People should get their facts straight before they start judging.
Just found your blog thru another and I whole heartedly agree with this. I know Preacher's kids who are into Twilight and I am just like I do not believe they let their precious daughters read/watch this stuff!!! Lord help us! Thank you so much for sharing!
I completely agree with him. I'd like to know what our mainstream denomination preachers think of this.