After the l.o.n.g day yesterday of canning, we ended up with 27 quarts of tomato puree and so that makes a grand total of 103 quarts of tomatoes ‘put by’ for the winter.
Praise the Lord!
(I’m working in apples now!)
In the past I have made our laundry detergent. I just finished up our last bit of our last batch… it lasts forever! 🙂
So, I needed to make some more.
I wanted to try something different, and I had some of this on hand, so I used the liquid Dr. Bronners soap
I think it will be just fine, but there is no ‘gooping’ up like you would have if you used the bar of soap.
Here’s the process I used.
3 oz Dr. Bronner’s liquid peppermint soap
1 Cup – Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda
she can laugh at the days to come.
let us rejoice and be glad in it.
So inspirational, and so true! Very happy to have found a Christian homesteading blog! I'm a stay-at-home mom of 2 boys in Michigan… still in the beginning of homesteading ( my goal this week is to start baking homemade bread instead of the store bought – we go through 1 loaf a day!). Waiting for the Lord to tell me what I should do with my time once school starts (1 in 1st grade, 1 starting Kindergarten). Trying to be patient and thankful for all I do have, instead of always wishing for more. Thank you for your words – helping me stay on course!
I have been a follower of your blog for about a year now. How do you stay so calm and relaxed with all that is handed to you? I have been having my own "bumps in the road" that I am just so stressed that it is effecting my health and the way I act around my family. I want to get back the person I used to be before all this testing that has been handed to me. Would you be able to give me some suggestions that you do to get through each day? Thank you for your blog and the inspiration you share.
Thanks, Lori
Hey Chas! I'm sorry about the injuries your family friend experienced! Hope he's doing okay. I made laundry detergent loosely following these directions today. I have made the powder type before but not liquid. I was wondering how it was working for you? I'm excited to try it tomorrow. I read on another site that you can use plain white vinegar as a fabric softener in the dispenser in your washer. I plan on trying that as well. CHEAP! I like CHEAP! (As long as it's effective!)
Chas, would you share how much laundry soap you use per load. I've been making my own with an almost identical recipe, but mine only last about 3 months. Thanks, and just so you know, you are blessing so many of us with your stories.