My family and I have been blessed for a while now with REAL raw milk, from grass-fed cows! WOOT! We don’t have our family cow…yet… but we do have a connection and are able to get milk from a friend. It is absolutely amazing what you can do once you have the real deal!
I realize how dark the picture is… sorry!
In the half-gallon jar we have buttermilk that has been working, in the quart jar we have sour cream and the pint has kefir.
I didn’t even get pictures of the butter, yogurt, milk or cheese that I have! ๐
Milk is wonderful!
You might be wondering why I would want to make all these different types of dairy products.
Here are but some kefir health benefits:
# It clears the blood vessels
# gives our bodies a boost in energy
# All natural, relaxing food
# It’s a great way to treat lung infections
# Great for our metabolism so it can be used for weight loss diet
# Very good for curing acne
# Has anti-oxidants and anti-aging properties
# It gives that great shin for your hair
# Replenishes body of good bacteria after antibiotic
# A natural way to regulate blood pressure
# Lowers blood sugar
# Great for treating diarrhea
# It clears the blood vessels
# gives our bodies a boost in energy
# All natural, relaxing food
# It’s a great way to treat lung infections
# Great for our metabolism so it can be used for weight loss diet
# Very good for curing acne
# Has anti-oxidants and anti-aging properties
# It gives that great shin for your hair
# Replenishes body of good bacteria after antibiotic
# A natural way to regulate blood pressure
# Lowers blood sugar
# Great for treating diarrhea
I make my own buttermilk because it is far superior than what you can buy at the store and it has nothing added that I don’t want. Also, if I can make it at home, then why buy it?
Same goes with sour cream and so on.
I am attempting to cut sugar out of our diet a bit more and I am desperately trying to lose weight.
I am following the regime in this book
I believe in WHOLE foods.
I believe in REAL food.
Not processed, not refined, not enriched.
I don’t believe that just because a fiber bar is only ‘2 points’ that it is something I need to eat!
Right now…
I feel hungry all the time!
I want to eat JUNK, too often.
I feel tired often!
I really, really, really want a change.
I want to feel vibrant and able.
I don’t like not having energy.
As I was reading this book last night, it said that all these feelings attribute to the fact that I am nutrient starved! I have been eating, but not eating the right way.
I hope to change that and to help my children not fall in the same bad habits that I have.
I have a long road and a lot of changing that I need to make.
Have a great day friends!
we finally have a source ($$$$) of raw milk too.
how do you make your buttermilk?
and I have not had luck with kefir. the grains I bought did not thrive and were tiny and sand like.
Good for you my friend!! By the way, what should I do with this cheese? ๐
I have been keeping track of my eating lately, trying to make sure I get 2000 calories a day (for Baby's sake) and making sure that HALF of my calories are from fat. Takes me about 15 minutes a day, depending on what I've eaten and how much research I have to do. My body never feels hungry although my mouth still sometimes does. It's going pretty well so far, as long as I don't fall off the wagon and overindulge in garbage. Working through the cravings for the crap I don't need is much easier when my body is actually nourished with what it does need.
My fridge is full of jars like yours and hardly anything is labeled. I know what it all is but no one else does. Heaven forbid something should happen to me, they'd have to throw it all out ๐
Oh, Chas, I know the feeling of needing to lose the weight. I did really good last year and lost 30lbs. I felt so good and then gained it all back. I would love to know what your daily diet consists of to give me an idea.
Very good! Don't forget to talk about the economics of all this good stuff. A $5 (or $7 or $10) gallon of raw milk can be turned into 4 quarts of cream-on-top yogurt (a $23 dollar value if purchased at the store).
And I'm rethinking what I told you on the butter costs. If you turn the skim into cottage cheese or buttermilk, then the butter $$ isn't so bad. It is nice to have raw butter to spread on your bread (but don't waste it for cooking & baking until you've got a cow of your own!)
Holler if you want info on cottage cheese making.
I love seeing just how healthy you and your family are eating! I have been canning like crazy lately (even writing a post on it now), and it makes me feel great that I know where our food is coming from and that it is junk free!
I am looking to add raw milk to our diet. We eat lots of raw fruits and veggies, and we are working on tweaking what we eat more and more.
Great post!