Last Friday we went to our hometown Homecoming game.
I *heart* the band!
My Tristan Blane wearing team colors and standing for the National Anthem.
The football players surprised us with new uniforms.
My Niece Taylor trying to comfort our little cousin Belle, bless her bones.
Woodlawn’s Homecoming Queen.
Our Pastor said Sunday morning that the judges may have made another girl our hometown homecoming queen, but our church had their own homecoming queen…. and I couldn’t agree more! 🙂
Hi Chas, I've really enjoyed reading your blogs. This one sparks a question: Do your kids ever want to go to public school? I have 3 little ones, and will start homeschooling next year for my oldest(5). I just wonder sometimes what to say if your kids ask to go to public school? My oldest is already talking about going to school since he sees his cousins and friends going, but I just tell him, he gets to stay home with Mom and have fun learning here. I know it won't be a big deal for now, but when they get older do they still want to go to public school and how do you address that?
Thanks so much for the response! Awesome scripture reference. Look forward to reading more, we are in the process of buying our own little homestead and you are inspiring for sure! 🙂