I am feeling grateful right now (as I should be always)… I am looking at the bright side. I want to see what is beautiful in my life, not what is troubling.
Here are a few of the things I am so thankful for…
My children, and educating my children at home. It is one of the hardest things I have ever done, but it is SUCH a blessing and I wouldn’t change it for the world. I love.love.love it! 🙂
A WONDERFUL time with friends and family last weekend at our home!
My little budding artist that loves to use bright colors and is always eager to make something for someone.
My first carrot!!!
I have not successfully grown carrots before now! Hurrah!
This husband of mine.
He is so good to me and loves me despite all my flaws.
…and he is an AMAZING father!
What are you thankful for today?
I am thankful for seeing changed hearts in my children after praying for the Lord to give them patience with eachother.
I am thankful for a bag of unexpected hand-me-downs the day after I fretted about the toddler needing some more warm clothes. The Lord provides!
I am thankful for a tidy house.
I am thankful for Chas who has a heart that wants to please Jesus and tries to stay positive.
I am thankful for newly painted livingrooms.
Wow. You has a hard job. I'm a little crazy with my 2 children. You have 4 and at home.
Let me tell you yesterday I posted 3 costumes to a paper doll called Lulu that I did it. Maybe your girls likes it.
My girl is turning 3 next friday.
Dearest Chas, I am thankful for the Word, the love and grace of Jesus, my husband and his gift of loyalty and for taking care of our family, homeschooling my children, for a bit of earth to plant each spring and for lovely ladies like you who share their lives so I am inspired and encouraged to carry on.
I have to send you a big WOOOO HOOOO! for growing that beautiful carrot. I have never accomplished that yet in my many years of gardening. Don't know why those buggers are so hard to grow. You have a real nice shaped carrot there. GO CHAS! also, congrats to all your little helper homesteaders there, ya'all should be proud. 🙂
Thanks for the give away, they are always fun.
Have a great weekend. By His Grace, Cynthia