Last year my friend Rachel, told me about a beautiful idea that I just had to try. She called it her topsy turvy planter.
It was such a hit at our house, I ended up making one for my Mother, my Grandmother, my Sister, my Mother-n-law, my Aunt, my husbands Grandmother and so on…
They are super simple to make and here’s how you can make your own.
Step one.
Take one 5 1/2 foot piece of 1/2 inch rebar and drive it into the ground a couple of feet
Once you have it securely in the ground take a 10″ terracotta pot and place it on the rebar, through the hole and slide it down until you have it on the ground.
Fill with potting soil.
Once filled slide on an 8″ pot and tilt the pot on its side.
As you will notice I didn’t have a 10″ pot on the bottom, I had already used it for another project.
Anyhow, fill up your next pot with potting mix and add your flowers. I used flowers that enjoyed sun because of where I placed my planter.
Continue stacking and filling and planting until you have four 8″ pots layered.
Once we put on the final pot our rebar was sticking out a few inches too far, so we took a hammer and drove it in the ground a bit more until it was hidden by the flowers.
And there you have it…
Your Topsy Turvy Planter.
I LOVE it!!!! Thanks for sharing!!!
Chas good job.. I've always wanted to know how to do this.. May I repost this on my blog with with a link back to you.. Thanks.. Peace..
Love it!
What a cute idea! I might have to try it too!
How cool! Thanks for the post. I will have to try making one myself!
Have a blessed day in THE LORD!
Matthew 6:33
Aww, that's adorable!! I LOVE it! 🙂
That is really cute! I have seen those before but I figured the making of it would be a lot more complicated. You make it sound very easy.
love this idea!
tried it. with the pots on top of each other, it reduces the size for planting the flowes. Plus,the tilting pots don't hold soil very well, spiling out the sides.
Hi Anonymous, I'm sorry you weren't happy with your planter. We like ours so much, that we ended up making them for several family members who love them as well.
I made one only I tried to re-use plastic terracotta pots that were taking space in my shed… the bottom ones don't hold up to the weight of the upper pots, so next year I will be using real terracotta pots. does anyone have any tips on how to keep the soil from flowing out when we have a hard rain? I've had to re-pot a couple of the plants because the rain washed a lot of the soil out and the roots were exposed. Thanks in advance.