As a little girl I remember having Strawberry milk as a yummy treat. I remember buying it when I was pregnant with my children too.
Guess what… you and I don’t have to buy it anymore! 🙂
I’ve got a recipe so we can now make it with our own ingredients for a much healthier snack! Woot!
Don’t forget the homemade chocolate syrup recipe that we use too!
1 cup Frozen Strawberries
1/2 cup Water
1/2 cup Sugar
1-2 Tbsp. Vanilla
In saucepan add strawberries, water and sugar and boil for about 10 minutes… the mixture will thicken.
Once reduced and thickened, remove from heat.
Stir in vanilla and strain out chunks of berries.
**You can use the strained berries for yogurt or oatmeal.**
Once your jar is cool, you can store in the refrigerator for a couple of weeks (if it lasts that long) 😉
Your syrup is awesome in milk, but you can use it elsewhere too!
On top of ice cream, yogurt, oatmeal, pudding… or eat it by the spoonful!
Also, I want to take a minute to THANK YOU for all the kind words from yesterday’s blogaversary post! You are all so sweet! I truly have enjoyed these past 4 years of blogging. There were times that I hit some rough patches, but blogging is truly a fun and sunny spot in my day.
If you haven’t signed up for the giveaway, scroll on down. There’s still time… oh, and tell your friends! If I get more than 100 entries… I think I will just have to sweeten the deal!
Much Love!
Thank you for sharing this simple but wonderful recipe! I know my kids will love it and I'm trying hard to remove processed/non-raw foods from my family's diet.
My daughter has been obsessed with "pink milk" ever since she found a Charlie & Lola book at the library…She will LOVE this!! And I just happen to have lots of strawberries in the freezer! (I love strawberries, so when I find good deals on them, I tend to stock up!)
This sounds really good, I can't wait to try it!
*Christi jo*