On Sunday, our eldest daughter will turn 14!!!
She is such a joy in our lives… She is so caring and compassionate. So discerning and wise for a young lady.
She is funny too. And I love that.
Laughter is one of my favorite things. I LOVE to laugh and she and I laugh together so often.
The photo above is my daughter (on the far left) and her bosom friends. These four have grown up together since infancy… and they still are the best of friends.
Last weekend they spent their days together. On Friday we went into town and looked for dresses, went to Starbucks and watched movies…and on Saturday we went to the creek, made ice cream and cookie cake.
They laughed a LOT.
Such sweet girls. I love them all soooo dearly and I am so glad my daughter has such wonderful friends!
I hope she has many, many more birthdays with such joy.
Friends and birthdays! May your daughter have many!
Happy 14th Birthday!!!