Sometimes it is sooooo easy to call up your local Pizza Delivery or your $5 pizza joint, just to get out of cooking. There are days when life is tough.
That is why it is such a great idea to have pizza made up and in your freezer to bring out on those days. I’m having one of those days, today. blech.
With summer here it is very easy to turn your homemade pizza into something that is wonderfully healthy and totally yummilicious!
Start with a basic dough for your crust. Here is the one I like to use.
Basic Dough Recipe (Perfect for pizza, hamburger buns, rolls, etc.)
2 cups freshly milled whole wheat flour
2 cups all purpose flour
(OR, you can use 4 cups of all purpose flour)
2 Tbsp yeast
Combine in a large bowl and set aside
In a small saucepan add the following:
1 cup milk
3/4 cup water
1/2 cup oil
3 Tbsp honey
1 tsp salt
Mix in saucepan til warm but not hot!
(Remember you are adding this to your dry ingredients and the yeast will not activate if it is too cold and it will die if it is too hot)
Add the wet to dry and mix
It will begin to get thick, once it does toss it on your floured counter and knead briefly.
This is a quick bread recipe so it doesn’t take but just a couple of minutes.
Sprinkle some flour back in your bowl and add your nice smooth ball of dough back in, cover with a tea towel and set somewhere warm for about 10-15 minutes.
Once you see that the dough has at least doubled and maybe tripled, plop dough back onto your floured surface and knead a few more times.
Your dough should be smooth and elastic.
Roll the dough on your pan until nice and even.
Here’s our sauce:
3 – 8oz cans tomato sauce
6 oz can tomato paste
2 Tablespoons Italian Seasoning
½ teaspoon chopped garlic from the jar
1 teaspoon soy sauce
1t salt
Mix all ingredients together and heat up until warm.
Top with your favorite vegetables and cheese.
I printed this out- plan to try it later this week! It looks delicious!