Sara, at Farmama (my FAVORITE blog) is hosting Thursday posts of “Around the Farm”. I haven’t had a chance to participate until today.
I was so happy to get outside with my camera this morning to capture some of the beauty of what’s going on Around our Farm!
Grape Clusters just waiting to ripen! YEAH! The birds ate what little grapes we had last year and this year we seem to have an abundance if they make it. So excited! Also, I have been reading that grape leaves have MANY different uses.
The lavender is in full bloom. I plan on cutting some for the Farmer’s Market this weekend. It looks a bit more sparse than yesterday, but we had a HARD rain last night.
Morning chores. If you see on the right, there are the babes. They are getting so big!
Here’s a close up of one of our Barred Rocks. Isn’t her color pattern amazing? God is so creative!
Tomatoes! Cherry tomatoes to be exact! Our plants are a bit later than some folks around here, but we don’t use any type of chemical fertilize. No miracle grow on these beauties. I’ll take a little later harvest for pure, fresh veggies. Yes!
So many wonderful things happening around here lately. I am so grateful for our little homestead. Lot’s of ideas floating around up here in my ole noggin too… so hopefully they will come to fruition and I will be able to share them with you as well!
I would love for you to share what you do with your Lavender. There are so many wonderful things to do with it, and I am always looking for new ones.
Have a great weekend