As we inch closer to blessed Christmas each day, there are things that are traditions here at the homestead… things that are special to our family.
- cups of hot chocolate on cold wintry days
- snuggles and quilts while reading together
- games, oh the games that are played during this chilly season
- music… always music
- citrus, what a blessing to have excellent fruits in abundance
- scarves, toboggans and mittens, oh my! The winter basket is full
- Christmas plays at church
- breaks from formal lessons
- learning, we may be breaking from formal lessons… but we’re always learning
- gingerbread houses
- ornament making
- elving (making, giving and or wrapping gifts)
- candlelight in the evening
- stockings
- Christmas crafting
- picture taking
Wishing you the Merriest of seasons!
We have many of the same traditions and love it!! Thank you for sharing the beauty of your home. 🙂
Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and praying that 2012 will be a blessed year for you all.