Yesterday, I spent some time moving over some of my favorite blog posts from my very first blog. Not knowing how long that site will be around, I wanted to make sure I had my memories over here at *home* 🙂
While going through some of my posts it became aware to me that, ahem… I have gotten lazy. It seems that I used to get LOTS more accomplished than I do nowadays. Really.
That surprised me too, because I feel quite busy now. Haha…. weird, huh?
But, it encouraged me.
Made me think.
It helped me realize that if I truly wanted to make a difference around this little homestead of ours, I am going to have to ‘get-r-done’ and quit waiting around.
I have so many dreams and plans, but I haven’t been putting them into action.
I feel now that I have the gumption to start though.
I added an archive button on the right side of the blog, if you have the time and desire you can visit some of my older posts that I have transferred here. Some of them made me smile and laugh remembering things we did and realizing that many of them were 4 or 5 years ago!
So, when my alarm went off at 10 til 5 this morning I didn’t hit snooze, I jumped out of bed, eager to get the day started.
Here’s hoping to great things ahead!
Have a wonderful day, friends!
I've nominated you for the Versatile Blogger award. Come by my blog for the details!
Dear Chas,
Trust me, you are going to slow down a little bit each year! I get less done than I used to, yes, but I am also a more peaceful person than I used to be too. I try to keep myself active and productive, but I also am learning to enjoy the speed that my body feels comfortable at, rather than pushing, always pushing, myself to the edge of exhaustion.
Can't wait to check out the archives!
Have a blessed weekend,