Welcoming 6 baby ducklings to the farm…
Yellow, fuzzy and precious.
Also, seeing a wall come down in the kitchen and being able to imagine in hopefully a few weeks/months I will be cooking in my new to me yellow kitchen.
And even though I don’t have a picture yet, I have two Moma hens with sweet little yellow baby chicks.
I am loving all this yellow around the homestead, how about you?
Hi Chas,
Lovin' the yellow splashes! Can I ask a city slicker question? What does one do with ducks on a farm? Are the farmish decorations/pets or are they dinner or do you eat the eggs? I've always wondered.
Yes, the yellow around your farm is sweet. I would love to paint our whole house yellow. Sunny yellow!
Hey Heather! 🙂
Yes, I do plan on gathering duck eggs. I've been reading up on ducks and these that we have, if some are female could lay up to 150 eggs a year! Duck eggs have a higher fat % and are supposed to be SOOOO much better for baking. So that's my plans.
And, being that they are Pekin ducks, they are supposed to taste quite good too… so other than just being ADORABLE, we can have meat and eggs from them also!
Me too, Mrs. Mo!
If we get to do new siding on the house, I already know I want a yellow farmhouse! <3
My Cameo asks… "Mom, seriously… aren't you going overboard on the yellow?"
I just laugh and reply, "Heaven's no! You can't have too much sunny, happy yellow!" 🙂
I love Yellow too. I use to have a yellow Kitchen in my old home. It was Martha stewart yellow) oh how I miss that.
We too are expecting some little yellow peeps soon. Can't wait to see the finished kitchen. Have a great day Chas.
Wow, that's so cool! I learned something new today. I'm filing that away in my "hope to have a farm some day" mental file.
I know that you have so much on your plate at this time of the year, but so miss all your great posts and hope that you will be back blogging again shortly. Have a great weekend Chas.