Hello everyone.
I have set down every morning to check my email and make a new post only to say, “Nah” and move on to the next task of the day.
It is an extremely busy and unorganized season for our family. I so very long to have normalcy again. My prayer is that by the end of the month we will see some relief… meaning maybe I will be able to cook in my kitchen or sit down somewhere in the living room and maybe not have holes in the ceiling where rain seems to be finding its way through during our occasional showers lately.
Good things have been happening during this time though… very happy things.
Our little yellow fluff-balls are not so little, nor so yellow anymore. They are growing rapidly and are shedding their fluff for feathers!
They have been introduced to a smallish wading pool and love it! They are so much fun to watch.
They now reside in the barnyard instead of the front yard and are adapting well to life with the chickens.
My clematis is in full bloom and gives me such a smile when I walk past. It truly is one of my favorites.
The children have been such great helpers to me… while the mess is going on inside we have been spending lots of time outside in the garden. Building new beds and planting ALL kinds of goodness. In a few days I will try and give you a running list of what we have planted.
Last week the children had their first swim of the year. In coolish 78* water, but you can’t tell by the smile on their faces!
This wall came down and was replaced by a beam in the ceiling a couple of weeks ago. It was a hard task, but it looks great and is another huge hurdle that has been accomplished!
I learned to operate a skidsteer yesterday and I’m using it to clean-up around the barnyard and garden. It is WAY fun!
And this was floating around facebook this morning. I thought it was SUCH a great reminder.
Have a great day friends!
Welcome Back dearest Chas! Happy Mothers Day!
Have missed visiting in your neck of the woods. the garden boxes are wonderful. I only have 3 but we make it work. Prayers for you goin' up. Wow, are you going to love your new house when its done. Blessings!
By His Grace, Cynthia
I was so happy when I checked in on your blog and there was a new post. Wow you have been really busy. Our weather here is still to cold for the pool, but the weeones are so waiting for their first swim. Your ducks have grown so much,and your Kitchen is sure under way. How exciting that you have a skidsteer, I would so love one around the farm here.
Your flower is beautiful and it would make me smile too.
Have a great day and I am so happy you are back.