Every. single. year. I want to grow sunflowers in the garden. I say I’m going to do it, but then I run out of space and don’t end up getting them planted… or I plant them and they don’t grow.
This year though… when building our new raised beds, I decided that I was going to make a whole bed of sunflowers. I have been very concerned, not sure if we were going to get any blooms because we have had a HOT and DRY summer so far. Extremely so, with temps of 100*+ days in a row.
Thankfully as I am typing this, we are in the midst of a slow, steady, beautiful rain. Yay!
As you can see in the picture, the bottoms were looking very dry.
The sunflower is such a great companion to the garden. I have spied soooo many more bees buzzing happily around. Which makes me even more excited at the prospect of having a bee yard soon!
The Autumn Glory sunflowers are very beautiful with their strong red, yellow and orange streaks and their black centers.
Yes, sunflowers have been a joy to grow and to see. I can’t wait to see the rest of them bloom as this rain continues. I should have a gorgeous bouquet for my table soon!
We (ok ME) plant sunflowers every year in the garden too. I loke them. I don't care that we don't really do anything with them. I like the colors. I like the size. I like the bees that buzz around them. I like they way they sway in the wind. And I also Like the way it drives hubby crazy that I plant something that frivolous! 🙂
LOVE the Autumn Glory!