My bloggy-ness is quite sporadic as of late, and I’m sorry to my friends who do visit our little spot on this great, big, worldwide web. My life has been full to overflowing with family, mothering, teaching, creating, serving… All of a sudden things have happened and all of a sudden, it seems, life went from quiet to an uproar! Life is that way, and when those times happen, it’s important for us to roll along. To try to keep our sanity and joy through the good, the bad, and sometimes even the ugly.
I am a creative person, God just instilled that in me as he was knitting me together in my mothers womb. Since I was a child I wanted to ‘make’ everything. I would see something I liked and usually my Moma would say to me, ‘Chas, you could make that!’ I guess that sank in deep, because that is the voice I often hear when I see something I like.
I have crocheted squares, dishcloths and even a scarf one time in my life. That’s all I could do, or so I thought. A couple of weeks ago, I proved myself wrong. I began crocheting up a storm and really haven’t stopped since. Here are a few of the things that I didn’t know I could make!
One photo made the cut and it’s not crochet of course, but some canvas art I made for our home. I love handmade!!
Wow you've been busy! I love to crochet as well. It's so much easier to progress I think than in knitting.
You've been bery productive. You're also inspiring. I think I'll find my hooks and get going.