Yesterday was my birthday. Yep, I’m the big *37*!! I’m happy with that. I’m not one that moans about getting older. I want to get older! I enjoy my life! My hunka-hunka burnin love husband and the fantastic 4 ~aka, my kids~ . They are so good to me and God has blessed me with them. I enjoy living!
Last week Shannon kept asking what I would like for my birthday. Normally I just use whatever money I am given towards bills or something responsible. This year however, I had my eye on a prize!! I found a store called The Container Store. Don’t laugh, the closest is in Atlanta… I didn’t know what glory and awe was out there! Anyhow, I was browsing online and found the store. I figured out what I needed to accomplish my goal and then ordered. I can’t tell you the last time I was so giddy about a birthday present!
Here’s what it looks like!
Dear Chas,
You've got me laughing. That is right up my alley too! We live by a Organized Living. It is a fun place to go browse for strategies, and get gift ideas.
Happy birthday, dear one. (and Many more!)
In Christ,