Yesterday we made a quick trip to Lowe’s to pick up some supplies to a new project our family is working on. Well, when your closest Lowe’s is right beside a Tractor Supply and it is Barn Day’s….
You HAVE to go in and ooo and ahhh over the babies!
These little bantam chicks were SO stinkin cute!
Bantams stay pretty small, even when they are full grown and they lay little white eggs. We have a couple in our coop here at the homestead.
It got me a little bit sentimental though… I was looking at all these babies and then I looked up and I saw some that were babies just yesterday. Now growing, changing, becoming their own persons. Voices changing, growing almost as tall as me.
Time, it does pass by quickly.
And even though they are still young and I have time to help them as they grow, I have to remember each moment is special and to appreciate each stage we may be in…
What a privileged woman I am, to have so many that I can help care for and love and hopefully have a little part of their heart that loves me too.
Enjoy your reward…
Mom, Aunt, Friend, Teacher, Mentor, Grandma, Sister, Cousin, whatever you may be… enjoy it and make it count for the Kingdom!
We just got our second flock today. It's our new tradition to get our chicks on Good Friday. Your picture makes me a little sad because those good people at the tractor supply shop have fenced off all those cute little chicky babies and the children can't touch or look closely! They look like a responsible lot and just want to play with the chicks. Bless you!
That sounds like a wonderful tradition! I am hoping to add to our little homestead and create a brooder so we can get some chicks. I would love to have it fixed up so we could get them soon… but baby steps. 😉 Have a great weekend and thanks for your visit! 🙂
Dear Chas,
I love your Spirit. Just yesterday was talking with my family about a favorite teacher. He had an Eternal perspective and felt himself to be privileged to be a teacher. His love for his Lord, reflected onto his students, and made a life long impression. I see that in you.
Bless you,
What a sweet comment… thank you so much. You have touched my heart!