My heart has been full lately. Realizing the beauty around me, cherishing time with friends, and my beloved family.
Looking and seeing.
Not just rushing and missing life.
These moments have been a balm to my soul.
Life can be harried and blurry.
Sometimes, even those of us who strive for simplicity and quietness are caught up in the rush of it all. It’s hard… the modern world demands busy-ness.
My spirit rebels agains this. I love my home, garden, family, flowers, chickens…
My heart longs for home.
I know that even as much as I love my home here… my heavenly home will be much grander.
Doesn’t that make you excited? It does me.
One of the most important things we can do as mothers and wives is bless our family and be hospitable to others. I believe this is an act of service that Christ is pleased with.
It’s hard work. Not glamourous or easy, but deeply satisfying.
In a world that is upside down, deliberate simplicity makes sense.
Take time… make a slow day.
A day that you can savor time with your family.
Turn the TV off.
Get outside.
Plant something.
Sip some tea.
KNOW one another.
Share with one another.
Because, when it is all said and done, how do we want our family to remember us? One that never was able to enjoy anything? Or one that took the time, had the talk, savored the moment.
My simplicity might not be totally simple. But it is good and right and works for me.
This post just speaks to my heart…Thank you..Carolyn in Florida
Hi Carolyn in Florida!
I am so glad this spoke to you as well. Oftentimes I just say what is on my heart, what The Lord has on my mind. It is so nice to hear that it blessed someone else as well. May your days be beautiful! <3