Yum-Yum Sauce or Japanese White Sauce is delicious. I like it when you add a little Sriracha sauce and make it SPICY! It is very expensive to buy, with a bottle being almost $5 each. I just knew there had to be a way to make it, more healthfully and more inexpensively. So playing around in the kitchen, I found that ours tastes just as yummy and I can feel better about us having it on the occasion that we have Chinese!
Homemade Yum-Yum Sauce:
1 1/4 cup mayonnaise (homemade if you can)
1/4 cup water
1 teaspoon tomato paste
1 tablespoon melted butter
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon sugar
1/4 teaspoon paprika
dash of cayenne pepper
Put all ingredients into mixer and mix WELL!
Pour into container and refrigerate overnight or at least SEVERAL hours. The longer it sets up, the better.
This should keep about a week or two.
I made a double batch and it was almost to the top of my quart jar.
We are having a quick and yummy meal of beef tips and lo mein with vegetables. This will be great to have as a dipping sauce. Now, where is my Sriracha?!?!

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