Because when they do… they come home to a mess!!!
I’m sorry it has been a while since our last update. We were gifted with a vacation last week and were gone for a full week. And before that, we were trying to get ready for that week away.
Well… when you are gone, things happen.
Weeds happen.
Lots and lots and lots of weeds.
You get back to see that some things have not grown in the least. Some things have, some things have dried up entirely. That’s what happens though. Gardens need to be tended, looked after and cared for. Even if it is just a little each day. But for days of neglect, you come home with a mess.
The pumpkins are up.
The sunflowers are getting taller.
The green beans are coming along….
One whole patch of tomatoes are dried up to nothing. The spinach bolted.
The zucchini is not doing anything. I have never seen zukes just sit there, they usually grow so rapidly. I may have to start over with them. Sadly.
I am disheartened at the loss while we were away, but we haven’t been on a vacation as a family in 7 years, so we take the good with the bad. Now that we are back, we can focus our attention back onto making the best of our garden and home.
Now to get out there and get to weeding.
Have a great day!
Good luck blog friend yea i understand..many times we need to put some priorities first wich is this case
i love your garden…my blog isnt about gardening but i love to follow ..i love everything what has to do with farming..plants etc..etc
how ever..we needed to stop that because of our health…cant keep it too bad
still i enjoy the little flowers are growing
loves from holland soraya and huub