With thanks for helping build our page, hop on over to Facebook, if you facebook…
and like Heritage Acres Homestead!
In doing so, you can comment to be entered into a giveaway!
If you don’t facebook, leave me a comment here and I will add your name in the giveaway!
We are grateful for your support and here’s a little way of saying Thank you!!!
I’ll draw for a winner on Thursday, July 11th!
I liked you on Facebook! I already "liked" you on Instagram too, which is my favorite hang out. 🙂
I love this giveaway!
Not crazy with facebook, but I sure love your blog. There is nothing better then a cup of coffee and Hertidge Acres Homestead.. 🙂
Please add me to your giveaway. I don't Facebook. Thanks!
What a sweet giveaway!Yellow is my favorite color,too!
monk5 at charter dot net