Our garden is growing beautifully! There are still TONS of weeds I need to do battle with, but we have had an extraordinary amount of rain and I just simply have not been able to go out and contend with.
One of my favorite beds in the whole garden is my sunflower bed. I made one raised bed specifically for sunflowers, specifically for my enjoyment… but in turn, the bees are very happy as well.
Our sugar pie pumpkins are growing nicely. I hope to have a nice harvest from them in a month or two!
Here’s a bit of a end view. Look at those green beans!!! Squeal!
This isn’t our garden, but our goat pasture. Look how overgrown it is! So sad. I just haven’t been able to find a goat comparable to Mamie. I hope to find one soon. It is so sad and empty.
The happy part in this picture is that last year when I tossed the old dead sunflower stalks and heads into the pasture for the goats, some seeds obviously were planted, serendipitously!!
Yay! More sunflower love!
I hope your garden is growing too!
Coming over from Soulemama's, love the garden and the sunflowers. I have way too many weeds too
Here is my update http://tollerado.blogspot.de/
beautiful sunflowers! so happy looking.