Breakfasts can be blah, can’t they?
Truthfully, I don’t always jump up ready to make a big pancake breakfast or bacon & eggs, biscuit and gravy breakfast. Some mornings I want to sit and savor my cup of coffee, the quiet and let the earliness of the morning linger just a bit longer.
To do this, I prepare the night before.
Refrigerator oatmeal is one of those ‘prep’ breakfasts.
I pulled out a lot of options for the family, so they could personalize their own combinations of flavors.
Every one of us got this basic recipe in the jar…
1/4 cup oats
1/3 cup yogurt
1/3 cup milk
1 tablespoon honey
1 tablespoon chia seeds
After that, it was free choice.
We had peanut butter and apple.
Pumpkin seed and peaches
Chocolate chips with raisins
Each one choosing what they thought would be a flavor combination they would like.
We shook our jars.
We labeled our jars.
And into the fridge til morning.
Breakfast is done!
This is a great idea Chas. thanks so much for sharing it. I make my oatmeal in my slow cooker overnight, and then dress the table with the goodies in the morning. Our favorited include apple sauce, any Berry that might be in the fridge at the moment,or any fruit for all that matters. Cinnamon and brown sugar, cream, yogurt,and of course hazelnuts.
Have a great day.
Sounds like a fun idea! Do you eat it cold in the a.m. or heat it up? Seems like it could be yummy either way.
You eat it cold, straight from the fridge. Funny, huh? We all wondered about what it would be like, but it was good…. just different. 🙂