Our 2013/2014 Homeschool Year Pictures
Praying for a great year while learning at home.
My precious children/students.
Abram 8 years old. He loves excavators, dirt, dozers and math. His goals for the year: To run fast, to get strong, and to read good.
Carlie, Age 9. She loves to draw, make cards and read. She wants to read *big* books like Cameo. Her goals are to learn a lot and do really well in homeschool and piano this year.
Elijah, Age 10. He loves to read, to ride bikes, and to learn about anything and everything. His goals are to succeed. (In everything, I suppose)
Cameo, Age 16. She is a voracious reader. She loves literature and is excited about her Marine Biology course this year. Her goals for this year are to excel in her studies and get her license when she turns 17.
Chasity, Age 37 I love to create, learn, and organize. My goals are to smile more, laugh often and be a bigger blessing to my family.
What a lovely family : )
I hope y'all have a wonderful, blessed school year!