Horseradish is really one of those things that you love or hate… but if you happen to fall into the *hate* category, let me give you some insight into this incredible root and you might just change your mind! Did you know that horseradish is made up of gulcosinolates? According to a recent study at the University of Illinois, “glucosinolates increase the liver’s ability to detoxify carcinogens and they may actually suppress the growth of existing cancerous tumors. Our analysis of various horseradish varieties shows they are a rich source of these compounds.”
It’s what makes the horseradish “hot” tasting.
Horseradish is also great for treating sinus infections or when used topically in a lotion or poultice it is great for inflammation or arthritis.
Such a wonderful little potent thing!
I was excited to get my hands on a couple of pounds to put by today.
After scouring the internet I found what I was looking for. I just wanted to preserve the horseradish, that way I can add it to whatever I like.
Here’s what I did.
Take your root and peel. The tough, woody exterior is a bit hard, so a sharp knife or a sturdy vegetable peeler would be your best bet for cutting off that outer layer.
I then decided that I probably needed to just use my grater blade on my food processor.
After seeing it in such long sections, I knew it really wasn’t what I needed for this job. So I added my “S” blade and tried again.
There… That’s more like it.
I’m going to tell you… I had to walk away from this a dozen or so times. It was SO powerful and strong. My eyes ran. My nose ran… It made me break out in a sweat! No lie!
Here’s the measurements:
1 cup grated horseradish
1/2 cup white vinegar
1/4 tsp sea salt
Mix together, ladle into jars and process in hot water bath canner for 10 minutes.
What a great thing to be able to have on hand. Perfect for your health as well as to spice up your next meal! Yum!
And keep a little aside with the peeling on and let it sprout for growing. That’s my plan too!
I love horseradish, and all it's wonderful uses for our body. Great story.