We live in a crazy, super busy world. A world that will suck every spare moment of time if you let it… A world that if you could live without sleep, many would do just that. There is just SO much to do. We are looking towards a very busy season of our lives and it sometimes overwhelms me with all that has to be done… and I have to truly focus on what NEEDS to be done.
We will be starting back to school soon, I didn’t plan to really have a full summer vacation, but we have been SO busy, it kinda has taken that turn. We’ve continued to read and do some math here and there… but nothing formal. Just here and there stuff.
The garden is still producing and there is still things that need to be canned for the upcoming year. I want to have a full larder so that we can hopefully keep our grocery budget down through the winter.
Both our boys will be playing football this fall. We are a football loving family, so this is exciting, but with any sport… there is a great deal of time ‘on the go’.
Our responsibilities in other areas are still there… that has not changed. In fact, it looks as that we may even have more of those, so getting those in check is an important task.
But what NEEDS to be done… all these are have to’s… Commitments that we have made. They need to be done, but what I mean is what truly needs doing?
Quality time is super important to our family. Shannon and I want that closeness with our children. It is vital. Quality time can be as simple as playing a board game. Taking a hike. Having a picnic. Visiting the aquarium… just doing things together. We know our children are growing up quickly… we see it already so we want to do our best to do things with our kids, even if it is just simple little things… but we want to do them often!
Discipleship. This is true to our heart. We make a time most every day to have ‘devotion’ with our children. Spending time teaching them Biblical truths and learning why we believe what we believe is of great importance. Discipleship goes a long way farther than that. We have to live what we believe day in and day out. We have to show our children that what we claim is not something that we just put on for Sunday services and then act like the world during the rest of the week…. We want to do our best to live it day in and day out… When we get up and when we lay down and when we walk beside the road, to paraphrase Deuteronomy. Going to church together goes hand in hand with this, as does having a personal quiet time with the Lord in prayer and Bible reading daily on our own.
Those are two big ones for our family, there are plenty other things that we try our best to keep on our schedules, but these are the most NEEDFUL, the most necessary, the most important to our hearts.
Have you thought about what you have laid out before you and what you -need to do- compared to what you are doing? Just like a garden needs tending, there are lots of things that consume our time and may need a bit of weeding. Social media is a time sucker for me. It is something I know needs to be scaled back. Maybe you watch a lot of television… that is another thing that can chew up hours of your day! Examine your own heart and life and pray… ask the Lord to show you where your life needs pruning and be willing to go forward with His direction.
Blessings to you my friends!
Hmmm, is what needs to be done, what I am doing? I'm struggling worth this very thing today.
This is an excellent, thought-provoking post. Thank you for sharing. Even after raising my children, being a grandmother to 7 precious grands, I still struggle with these priorities. Blessings, Carolyn(in Florida)