I know there are many of us out there who love to give, but also have a smallish budget in which to give. There are many ways in which we can give, we just have to initiate a little creativity.
To the above gift, I am adding some handmade ornaments, a bar of soap, a dishcloth, some homemade candy and a card. A special gift, with lots of thought put behind it, but not too much upfront cost.
Homemade gifts take thought.
Homemade gifts take planning.
If you are given something homemade, I hope you take the time to appreciate the gift and the giver.
But even more so…
Any gift that we are given, is just that. It is given. No matter the cost. No matter the gift. It is something that has been given to you.
Accept it with love and gratitude.
You were given something… someone thought enough of you to give you a gift!
Appreciate it.
Ok, ok…. back to this gift.
I bought a pack of wooden utensils at the store last time I was there.
I pulled out my old stampin up ink pad and my alphabet stamps.
Holding the spoon firmly, I stamped the words in backwards fashion.
For example, for FAITH, I worked from the end.
That way I didn’t cram it all in one spot, nor did I have gaps.
Make sense?
Find your favorite words and get to stamping.
Personalize it your way.
Maybe use your last name.
Maybe use an inspirational word of your own.
Those are a few words that we stamped out.
What a special way to show love to those on your gift list this year.
I hope you enjoy!
What a great gift idea! I have followed your blog for years and I still learn something new each time I visit. I also really appreciated your post from a few years ago on how to make your own wrapping paper – it has come in handy this holiday season. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family! Renee' @ 2 Peas in a Pod ~ https://rmboys5.wordpress.com/