One Month.
The tickets have been purchased.
One month.
The passports have come in.
One Month.
The housing has been secured.
One month…
It’s getting very real.
In one month my rock and my right arm will be boarding a plane, for the first time ever I might add, and traveling almost 1600 miles away from me, away from our family, away from our home, away from everything they know, to reach out to people they have never met. They will be walking away from the comforts of home and the security of their family and walking straight into the place where God has called them to be at that time. To help build homes and churches. To help serve those who are in need. To teach those who are without teachers. To be the hands and feet of Jesus.
Am I nervous?
Yes, I am.
Am I scared?
A little bit.
Do I trust God has this in His capable hand?
No matter where we are, if we are where God wants us to be, then there is no better place for us to be.
So, if you wouldn’t mind to keep my people in your prayers, I would very much appreciate it. Pray for safety and good health for them. Pray for them to be able to do what God needs them to do in Nicaragua. Pray for me to not fret, but to hold down the fort while they are away. And pray for the people they are going to encounter. I pray they will see the love of Christ through them and will come to know Him as their Savior.
If you wish to help with the financial aspect of the trip, there are a few details that could be helped with, you can email me at
We are so thankful to those who have blessed us already with their prayers and their gifts.
What an exciting time. May God be glorified.
Yes I will pray each day for your loved ones. I surely understand your apperhensions, you are feeling what most of us would. I will ask you to please pray for my dear daughter, Mary Beth the next few days. She has not been able to work the past 4 years, first dealing with bi-polar depression and then surviving a terrible auto accident. She has been offered a job starting this next week, but is just panicked to try. I know that if this is God's will for her, He will make it possible. Pray for my hubby and I as we walk thru this with her. She and our grandson live with us and without God's help we could not have made it thru. Blessings, Carolyn in Fl.