You may be noticing the lack of posts lately, well, it’s not because I have nothing to say, it’s because I am so stinkin tired. haha! We are nearing the end of our weeklong VBS! It has been a BLAST so far, and so well worth the weariness I feel. This year I’ve had the opportunity to teach the 5 year- Kindergarten age kiddos and I am reminded just how much I LOVE this age. It truly is one of the best. Eager kids. Helpful hands. Just all around sweet hearts!
Our theme this year is Big Hearts Farm- Where God’s Love Grows!
I think it is completely adorable. Such great decorations and a great theme. We have had fun with this one, for sure!
I love that we have so many ‘big kids’! The picture above shows our 5th-6th grade class and it is HUGE!
Great music, which is always a fun part!
Another thing I love is that my whole family takes part. Carlie and Abe are still in VBS age, so they are participating and Shannon, Cameo, Eli and I are workers. Everyone has a part and it takes a lot of people to make it work! Are you helping out at your church? I encourage you to do so. Things can not run properly with only one or two. It takes many hands to make light work!
Game time is great and there are wonderful lessons to go along with the games!
Little sweeties!
Fruit for snack time, to go right along with our farm fresh theme!
It has been a ball! It’s always a lot of work, but it is ALWAYS a reward! Sharing God’s love with others is ALWAYS worth it! So everybody say YES! Yes to VBS!!!!
Brought back so many happy memories of VBS. I taught first as a teenager after attending for many years as my mom and grandma taught. Then taught as my 3 kids were involved. Most of our grandkids have been involved too. Thanks for reminding me of those special years.