I hope you had a wonderful Independence Day yesterday! We certainly did. Time with family is always wonderful…
I had planned to make a wreath with my Mom over the weekend, but time did not allow, so yesterday morning I asked her if she had a little while and I would bring supplies and we could work on wreaths together for the cookout. It is made with scrap fabric and a small wire wreath. The one in the example picture is a large 18″ simply because I didn’t have any more small forms to use for the tutorial after we made our 3 wreaths yesterday.
There is no exactness to this wreath. I am basically just giving you an idea and you take it and run. You can do whatever colors you want. Whatever size you want. However long of strips of fabric you want. As many colors of fabric as you like… it is all up to YOU!
We ripped strips of fabric about 1 1/2 inches wide and then cut them at about 11 inches long.
We didn’t worry with the fray, I thought it made it look all the more cute!
Take a strip and make a loop, only inside out. You will see why in a minute.
On the wreath form, you will see there are 4 bars. I split those up into two sections. An upper section and a lower section, as I show in the picture below.
Bring the tails of your fabric strip up and through your wreath form and then through your loop and pull.
That’s it! Way simple, eh?
Now take an alternating fabric, or whatever color you choose, and do the exact same thing on the lower section.
For the ‘stripes’ I would use three-four red colors and then alternate to 3-4 white stripes.
On the blue section for the star part of the flag, I used 3 different colors of blue, a large gingham, a small gingham and a solid. Again, do not feel like you have to use the same as I… this is all up to you! Pick your favorites or use what you have!
On the picture above you will see how the wreath form has vertical bar sections as well. I filled one full section (bar to bar with blues) and a half of another section.
We didn’t have any wooden stars like I wanted… so we used some iridescent stars from the dollar tree and hot glued them on the blue section.
And there you go!
Our rag tag americana wreath!!!
I hope you enjoy!! If you come up with your own idea, please let me know! I’d love to see it!