Sunday morning, I woke up very aware of the day we had ahead of us. One of excitement, of nervousness, of anticipation, and a big mixture of happy and sadness rolled into one big ole ball.
Last summer, Bro Dave Walton came to our church for revival. Bro Dave often talks about his mission trips to Nicaragua and the work that is being done there. Building homes, churches, taking supplies and most of all giving it all to these dear people with the sweet love of Jesus and teaching them about the hope that only He can bring. Bro Dave has been coming to our church for a number of years now, always telling us of the latest work being done there in Nicaragua and always encouraging us to ‘Brag on Jesus’. Knowing my husband the way I do, I knew what was coming next, but it still gave me a moment of concern when he went up to Dave at the end of the week and said, “I’m gonna go with you when you go next year.” I knew the trip was not going be easy. I knew the trip was not going to be cheap. I knew the trip was going be WAY out of all of our comfort zones.
I thought, this world is a crazy place right now! I don’t know if it is a good idea to go out of the country?
But for once, Chas didn’t get in the way, I didn’t complain or say anything negative, or start fretting. I just said, “Ok, we need to start praying”
And we did.
Shannon’s resolve to go did not waiver. He was passionate about it. He wanted to get out letters to ask for anyone to help with the trip. Either with monies, or supplies, or prayers.
Over the course of several months an outpouring of love came through. It is amazing how God works and I stand in awe of Him.
Well, around Christmastime Cameo began to speak of wanting to go with her Daddy on this trip. Again, my thoughts were, “No! That’s too far away!” “She’s a pretty young lady, someone will try to take her” I’ve seen the movie Taken and it scared me to death! But… I stopped being fearful and added it to my prayers and trusted that if God was calling them both to go, He would protect them, He would equip them. With everything.
And here we are… They left Sunday afternoon.
Neither had been to an airport before. Neither had ever been on a plane. Neither had been out of the country. And now they are 1500+ miles away, working in a foreign land.
Neither had been to an airport before. Neither had ever been on a plane. Neither had been out of the country. And now they are 1500+ miles away, working in a foreign land.
As they send me pictures, my heart breaks. I’m aware of just how selfish I can be. How I take too much for granted. Oh, dear Lord, how I needed these reminders. How easy it is to forget the things that matter.
I miss them terribly, but I am SO proud of them. I am so thankful for this opportunity. I know they will forever be changed.
There are 16 in the group that Shannon and Cameo are with this week. They are split into 3 different teams. Their team went out and began to minister to some of the locals. To invite them to church, to tell them about Jesus and to bring them supplies.
6 sweet souls accepted the Lord as their Savior yesterday! And that was only in their group! My soul is stirred and I can’t help but shout, “Hallelujah!” “Praise be to God!”
The structure below is the beginning of a house that the team is beginning to build. It’s not big by any means. It’s probably smaller than a standard American bedroom. But it will be strong. It will keep them safe during rainy season they are in right now. And to them, it will be almost like a dream come true.
Please help me pray for my family and for the teams there this week. Help me pray that lives will be touched and changed by the work they are doing and many more souls will come to know Jesus.
What an adventure. I'd be scared to death to have Chloe that far away but I'm sure your daughter is enjoying herself! It's something she will never forget. Will be praying for their safety and your mental/emotional security!
Praying for this mission to be blessed with many souls saved. Praying for your sweet family, both the two far away and the four at home. Blessings, Carolyn in Fl.
Love the family picture!! Myrtle from shed