Last week the weather was exceptionally warm and beautiful… it made me eager to get outside and get into the sunshine. So I gathered my brood and Saturday we ventured out.
Sadly Saturday was no where near as warm, but we had a grand time anyways.
I love taking pictures and trying to notice the beauty that surrounds us that sometimes goes unnoticed. We stayed fairly close to home, but just went on a little exploring expedition to enjoy the outdoors.
We are drawn to water like a moth to a flame… we love water.
I haven’t pinpointed what type of seed this is. It was very unusual. Kinda gave me the willies, but at the same time, it was really cool looking too.
My kids… If I said it once, I said it a hundred times… “It is TOO cold to get in that water!!”
They found other avenues of dare-devilry.
I hope you enjoyed your weekend as well!
Hello from Tennessee, I was reading your post and the seed ball that you hadn't identified is from a sycamore Tree. Just thought I'd share in case you haven't identified it yet. Blessings