It is so very cold here in the south… I know Northerners would read that and flat out laugh! Our cold is like autumn temps for you guys, but for us, it feels VERY cold! Especially, with the wind that is howling outside! The front that is moving in this week was supposed to hopefully bring us a little snow, but it doesn’t look like that is going to happen. I still have a little hope though.
The wind is so strong and cold that the animals are staying cozy in their shelters more and munching on the hay in there, the cats are piled up in heaps on the porch and sometimes under the porch, and Muck(the dog), he wants to go out, but comes back in fairly quickly after he’s made a quick jaunt around the property.
This afternoon is probably going to be the coldest day so far this year and so I have plans of beef stew for supper.Yesterday was my son-in-law’s birthday, so I’m looking forward to enjoying some time with the WHOLE family this afternoon with warm food and games.
I’ve had requests on instagram to share how I make my beef stew, so I plan to take pictures and notes along the way so I can share a post for that this week on here as well. For now, I need to go feed the sourdough, strain the kefir, pull out the beef from the freezer, and tend to the animals. As I gather my gumption to face the cold, I’m wishing you warmth no matter where you are today!