On Sunday there was a wedding shower for a young couple in our church. It feels like it has been ages since we had a shower. I love showers, wedding, bridal, and baby showers. So much fun! Good food, friends, either celebrating a new couple or a new babe… it’s all good things!
I had checked their registry for what they would like and saw they had listed some Tattler canning lids. Now that’s the kinda gift I like to give! So I got them that, but I wanted to add a few more things. So I got them a drying mat, a dish towel, I crocheted them some dish cloths, gave them a couple bars of my goat milk soap, and then gave them a sourdough starter. I realize depending on who it is, that this could be an odd gift… but the Tattler lids on their registry made me want to go forward with the homesteady gifts. And honestly, I would love to have been given a sourdough starter when I first got married. I may not have appreciated it as much then as I do now, but it’s dehydrated so they can start it now, or whenever they like!
Then I thought, I should make some crackers and a dip to share so they can see how tasty the sourdough can be! This is how my mind works y’all… I mean if ever there was someone who has the “give a mouse a cookie” syndrome, I’m your gal.
ANYHOW, that’s what I did, and here’s the recipe!

I hope you enjoy the cracker recipe! I had mentioned on instagram often how horrible the ingredients are in regular store crackers and how I just can’t buy them anymore… plus now they carry the ‘bioengineered’ label. That sealed the deal for me.
Having a recipe that’s easy and delicious is just another valuable tool in our tool belt… or in this case a recipe in our recipe box.
Have a beautiful day, friends!