Welcome and thank you for your visit!
My name is Chas. I refer to myself as Moma Chas, because I am a bit of a Mother Hen to those around me as well as to my family and was hence dubbed with the name.
We are a family of 6 in SouthEast USA.

We have a piece of land that is in great need of some TLC. We have been farming parts of it for many years now, but are expanding a little each year. We can see improvements, but still we have a long way to go.
Our lives have had many turns… A full-on desire to homestead has been quieted for a leading to other avenues. Lately this little place is more of a plot of land, a garden, a few chickens, cats, a dog and our precious family. The dream of homesteading is still there and we know that there is a season for everything under heaven.
We have a great desire to teach our children well, and that begins with the heart and a realization that this beautiful world we live in was created by a loving and all powerful God.

Growing up with responsibilities on a full scale farm or a tiny hobby farm(no matter how big or small) is a great way to see God’s hand. In each animal, in each tiny seed, in the plants that sprout and bloom, in new life, in the rising and the setting of the sun and the seasons and the rain. We think hard work is good and should be embraced. We think a time of rest is necessary and should be taken. We believe the Bible from cover to cover is the infallible word of God.
We enjoy our time together, in work or in play. We desire to have a close family who enjoys being together as much as possible, because we know these days of our children being home are so short and we need to enjoy them while we can. We love our local church and spend a great deal of time serving in many different capacities. We love to serve and have a desire to teach our children the JOY of serving the Lord by serving others.
Here at the blog you will see our triumphs as well as our failures. You will see how we make things work and how we are working toward a common goal of living a life that is well spent, full of love and hope and thankfulness to our Lord.