We have been having an abundance of rain. Not just little showers, but buckets of rain. It rained all last night and has rained all day today and will rain into the night tonight.... bringing in some frigid temps also. brrrrThe only rough times are choretimes.... our animals are … [Read more...] about Oh, the weather outside is frightful…
For the Christmas table…
Well, here it is, finally finished. After a week of sniffles and turkey and counting my blessings, I was able to sew and sew and sew on Saturday and finish this and several other Christmasy projects.I took these pictures before I sent this through the wash. Let me tell you... … [Read more...] about For the Christmas table…
The first *handmade* gift of Christmas…
Like I told you, Lindsey and I began a project on Tuesday.I quilted it up yesterday and hope to complete the gift today after we finish with our lessons.I can't wait to take some pictures and show you how the finished project turns out! :)Tonight, I hope to cast on for my second … [Read more...] about The first *handmade* gift of Christmas…
Neat and tidy and ready to use.I straightened and organized Monday in anticipation for my sewing day with my dear, dear friend Lindsey. She is my go-to sewing guru. When I can't seem to wrap my brain around a pattern, she usually already knows how to do it.Yeah, she makes … [Read more...] about Ahhhhhh….
Before I start, I need to finish
Does that make any sense to you? hahaMy mind is warped in my own way of thinking so it may not make a lick of sense to anyone... except me!I am tickled to be able to sit and blog this morning, my beautiful daughter Cameo is making our breakfast and Mom has a few free moments! … [Read more...] about Before I start, I need to finish