{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find … [Read more...] about {{this moment 11.12.10}}
It’s getting THAT time of year…
I feel like I have just been absent from my little blog home. I'm sorry for those of you who actually still follow or read here. *for that, thank you!*I have been thinking of new crafts for posting. Some fun, easy things you can do with your children for some sweet, special … [Read more...] about It’s getting THAT time of year…
Happy Birthday… to me. :)
On this day 35 years ago my Moma had her first child. A 9 lb 5 oz bouncing baby girl.I am so glad God saw fit to give me to my parents. I am so grateful for the life He has given me.I hope to have many, many more years on this ole earth... and I hope to enjoy life to the fullest … [Read more...] about Happy Birthday… to me. :)
{{thankful thursday 11.4.10}}
I'm almost out of Thursday, so I had better get this in.A friend of mine on facebook suggested a 30 days of Thankfulness.Each day post something you are thankful for.I thought it went hand in hand with my Thankful Thursdays.Here goes...My baby boy was baptized this past Sunday.My … [Read more...] about {{thankful thursday 11.4.10}}
Over the weekend…
Sorry it took me so long to get back here, but life has been slightly more than hectic.Over the weekend my oldest son turned 8!!!!Yes, I can hardly believe it myself. What did he want for his birthday?A Jack Sparrow costume.haha I know! I would love to say that I made this … [Read more...] about Over the weekend…