After the l.o.n.g day yesterday of canning, we ended up with 27 quarts of tomato puree and so that makes a grand total of 103 quarts of tomatoes 'put by' for the winter. Praise the Lord!(I'm working in apples now!)In the past I have made our laundry detergent. I just finished up … [Read more...] about Step 2: Taking Action
Step 1: The Result of a Blessing
Never do you have a time when you are going through a trial that you don't have a blessing... just waiting for you to see it. You do, however, have to open your eyes and your heart sometimes to see it.A phone call on a Sunday afternoon.A neighborA church friendWilling to … [Read more...] about Step 1: The Result of a Blessing
A set back…
About 6 weeks ago, Shannon started, what we thought, was the best job of his life.He was THRILLED with his work. It felt rewarding and exciting. He worked hard, came home exhausted... but smiling.On Friday afternoon, on his birthday... He was fired.I wish I could say that I … [Read more...] about A set back…
Technical difficulties
Please bear with me....I am working on backing up my photos and data for the past 5 years. I take a LOT of photos, so it could be a while :)I hope to be back on Monday (or maybe sooner) with all this figured out, new pictures from the weekend and a fresh perspective. :)Meanwhile, … [Read more...] about Technical difficulties