Saturday afternoon we got a very quick and strong thunderstorm. The hens were unprepared... we were all outside working when it came upon us. We had to run for cover pretty quickly.The chickens, well, they didn't all get there quick enough.So after the storm, here was the … [Read more...] about Hen Party
The Udder {this moment 7.30.10}
{this moment}{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for … [Read more...] about The Udder {this moment 7.30.10}
I don't really know that we, er... *I* ever stop planning. I seem to always be in planning mode in my head.Even still, official planning has commenced for our 2010/2011 homeschool year.I am excited. I look forward to seeing the children learn, but that is a constant... not … [Read more...] about Planning
Happy Anniversary, My Dear
I have enjoyed each and every moment the Lord has blessed us with... I pray that we have many, many, many more!!!!I love you!!! … [Read more...] about Happy Anniversary, My Dear
Eli goes to Football Camp
Last week, Eli had the opportunity to attend a football camp called Kid's and Pro's.It was a GREAT camp. I was impressed with it, not only because of the drills and the skills that the boys were learning about football (which is HUGE in this family)... but because of the … [Read more...] about Eli goes to Football Camp