Details on his entering the family soon...Have a beautiful weekend … [Read more...] about Meet Fred!
{this moment} 6.4.10
{this moment}A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to … [Read more...] about {this moment} 6.4.10
A while back I started a journal... one that I fashioned from one I saw on Jewels' blog. I have kept journals on and off through my teenage years and now into my adult life. I have been haphazard, journaling for a little while and then there is a month expanse and then back to … [Read more...] about Journaling
Our Little Homestead
I find our lifestyle so enjoyable and rewarding.Yes, it is work.Yes, it is sometimes mundane.No, we don't 'go' and 'do' much...But... we are home, we are together, and we see God in everything around us... and to me, that means more than anything. … [Read more...] about Our Little Homestead
Talking with the chickens
Last week we were blessed with 20! new hens! When we acquire new hens we put them in the coop for at least a day before we let them range with the rest of the flock.Talk about a funny site when we let them into the cage with Captain and Lieutenant Dan still on the outside. … [Read more...] about Talking with the chickens